Microscopy – We are the reseller of Nikon microscope in Singapore and are expert in microscopy including complicated application such as Confocal Microscopy, Infra Red microscopy, UV microscopy, Fluorescent Microscopy, Live Cell Imaging etc. We can integrate complicated addition onto microscope such as motorised stage, specialised digital imaging systems and dedicated software. The final result is a complete system for a specific application for the end users.
Semiconductor Manufacturing – we are presence in both front end and back end of the semiconductor manufacturing Fab. Our principals are mainly solution provider for wafer processing as well as metrology solution provider. Due to our deep exposure in this area, we have built up lots of experience in area such as advance lithography, advance wafer overlay correction and optimization, overlay metrology and automated defects inspection.
Automation for Wafer Fab – bringing our expertise and good contact in the wafer Fab community, we have further developed the know how for automating the wafer Fab. Our partners are expert automation company from Europe and USA who has years of experience in the AMHS / Fab automation arena.
Metallurgy and Metallography – we mainly provide the Nikon Microscope for use in Metallography. To enhance our capability in this area, we have acquired deep know how in metallurgical application such as grain sizing, non metallic inclusion testing, metal phase analysis, graphite tesing etc. Our other principal is an expert in Metallography application. Also, we have recently added a principal that manufacture sample preparation system for analysis. With this addition, we are now able to handle all aspect of metallography and metallurgical testing.
Medical Science and Research – we are working very closely with hospital and research laboratories in the area of medical imaging. Our customers include many prestigious hospital as well as research institution.