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Industrial Microscopes


Nikon_Eclipse_L200NNikon Eclipse L200N Wafer Inspection Microscope
Combined with Nikon’s superior CFI60 LU/L optical system and an extraordinary new illumination system, this microscope provides images with greater contrast, high resolving power and darkfield images three times brighter than before.
Nikon_Eclipse_L200NDNikon Eclipse L200ND Wafer Inspection Microscope
Combined with Nikon’s superior CFI60 LU/L optical system and an extraordinary new illumination system, this microscope provides images with greater contrast, high resolving power and darkfield images three times brighter than before. This model is suitable for diascopic application which is needed for application such as MEMS inspection, transmitted IR inspection and wafer mask inspection.
Nikon_Eclipse_L300N_nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-uprightNikon Eclipse L300N Wafer Inspection Microscope
Featuring Nikon’s most advanced optics for unparalleled inspection of the latest wafer types. Nikon Eclipse L300N/L300ND FPD and or Wafer Inspection microscopes incorporate Nikon’s renowned CFI60 infinity optics, offering the world’s highest level of optical performance. The enhanced epi-fluorescence function, which enables 365nm UV excitation, is optimal for the inspection of semiconductor resist residues on 300mm wafers and organic electroluminescence displays.
Nikon_Eclipse_L300ND_nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-uprightNikon Eclipse L300ND Wafer Inspection Microscope
Featuring Nikon’s most advanced optics for unparalleled inspection of the latest wafer types. Nikon Eclipse L300ND is used for FPD and or Wafer Inspection microscopes incorporate Nikon’s renowned CFI60 infinity optics, offering the world’s highest level of optical performance. The enhanced epi-fluorescence function, which enables 365nm UV excitation, is optimal for the inspection of semiconductor resist residues on 300mm wafers and organic electroluminescence displays.
Nikon-LV100ND-microscopeNikon Eclipse LV100ND Microscope
Nikon Eclipse LV100ND is an unique diascopic microscope with both top and bottom light illumination. It uses the CFI60 optical system which is highly evaluated for its unique concept of high NA combined with long working distance has further evolved to achieve the apex in long working distance, chromatic aberration
correction, and light weight
Nikon-Metrology-Industrial-Microscopes-Upright-LV100NDANikon Eclipse LV100NDA Microscope
A motorized microscope with episcopic/diascopic illumination ,which meets the various needs of observation, inspection, research, and analysis across a wide range of industrial fields. Higher NA and a longer working distance than ever before mean superior optical performance and efficient digital imaging.
Nikon-LV150N-microscopeNikon Eclipse LV150N Microscope
Nikon’s CFI60 optical system, highly evaluated for its unique concept of high NA combined with long working distance has further evolved to achieve the apex in long working distance, chromatic aberration
correction, and light weight
nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-LV150NANikon Eclipse LV150NA Microscope
A motorized, nosepiece type microscope which meets the various needs of observation, inspection, research and analysis across a wide range of industrial fields. Higher NA and a longer working distance than ever before means superior optical performance and efficient digital imaging.
nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-LV150NLNikon Eclipse LV150NL Microscope
A manual, nosepiece type microscope which meets the various needs of observation, inspection, research and analysis across a wide range of industrial fields. Higher NA and a longer working distance than ever before means superior optical performance and efficient digital imaging.
Max. sample size: 150 x 150 mm
nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-Eclipse-E200-PolNikon Eclipse E200POL Microscope
Ideal as an educational microscope or for routine laboratory use for biology, geology and industry, the Eclipse E200 POL incorporates Nikon’s acclaimed CFI60 infinity optical system to provide a high quality, compact and easy-to-use polarizing microscope at a modest price. Because the E200 POL’s design is based on the Eclipse E200 biological microscope, it shares the same objectives and uses many of the accessories created for higher-grade Eclipse series microscopes, enabling more advanced polarizing microscopy.
Nikon_Eclipse_LV100ND_POLNikon Eclipse LV100ND POL/DS Polarising Microscope
The Nikon LV100ND POL is a microscope designed for stringent polarising application. It is widely used in crystallography and used extensively for for identification of asbestos.
Nikon_Eclipse_Ci-POLNikon Eclipse Ci-POL Polarising Microscope
Nikon Eclipse Ci-POL is a polarising microscope with a lower light intensity compared to LV100ND POL. If the applcation does not need reflected light polarising, this model can be considered.
nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-Eclipse-LV-DAFNikon Eclipse LV-DAF Microscope Autofocus system
The LV-DAF delivers fast, versatile autofocus with the Hybrid Auto-Focus system, making the most of two types of auto focus systems. Combining slit projection and contrast detection auto focus, it features large focus range and fast tracking ability. A variety of observation methods are supported, including brightfield, darkfield and differential interference contrast (DIC), as well as various transparent samples.
Nikon-AZ100-microscope Nikon Multizoom AZ100 Microscope
The AZ100 Multizoom is a multi-purpose zoom microscope system that provides capabilities that don’t currently exist with stereomicroscopes and compound high magnification microscopes. It covers an extremely wide range of magnifications, from 5x to 400x, effectively combining the advantages provided by stereo zoom microscopes and compound microscopes
nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-microscopes-microscope-componentsNikon Microscope Components
Nikon’s broad variety of modular units to give you greater flexibility in configuring a system best suited to your application.

Nikon Eclipse MA-100N microscopeNikon Eclipse MA100N Inverted Microscope
The MA100N is a compact inverted microscope designated for bright field and simple polarizing observations. Responding to the requests from manufacturing and QA/QC sections in a variety of industries, Nikon developed this simple but durable model which enables high contrast image observation and capture. Further, the high intensity LED illumination reduces the need for frequent lamp replacement.
Nikon_MA-200-microscopeNikon Eclipse MA200 Inverted Microscope
Nikon’s MA200 has been designed with ergonomic in mind. All controls of the microscope are located on the front of the instruments. It also has a smaller footprint due to its box structure design. Also, all basic performance has been dramatically improved to provide a more ergonomic and clear image.
Nikon_MA100Nikon Eclipse MA100 Inverted Microscope
Nikon’s ECLIPSE MA100 is a compact inverted microscope specially designed to meet the needs of reflected light observations requiring either brightfield or simple polarization illumination techniques. It is a cost effective tools for imaging metallurgical samples, failure analysis and more!

Nikon-MM800-microscopeNikon MM800 Measuring Microscope
The MM800 is a new series of innovative measuring microscopes designed for industrial measurement and image analysis. They integrate key performance features delivering complete digital control for maximum measuring accuracy in demanding industrial environments.
Nikon-MM200-microscopeNikon MM200 Measuring Microscope
The Nikon’s MM-200 Measuring Microscope is compact and lightweight with an affordable price for all who require precision and accuracy for measuring a variety of metal, plastic, and electronic parts in all industries.
Nikon-MM800-microscopeNikon MM400 Measuring Microscope
The MM400 is a new series of innovative measuring microscopes designed for industrial measurement and image analysis. They integrate key performance features delivering complete digital control for maximum measuring accuracy in demanding industrial environments.

nikon-metrology-industrial-microscopes-upright-NWL200Nikon NWL200 Wafer Loader / Wafer Inspection System
The NWL200 series is the first lineup of wafer loaders for inspection microscopes capable of loading 100 micron thin wafers. Thanks to a new chuck system, the NWL200 series achieves highly reliable loading suitable for inspection of next-generation semiconductors. Improved wafer-sensing functions also help prevent damage to wafers.

Picture10Nikon NEXIV VMZ-R3020 Video Measuring System
The Nikon VMZ-R3020 offers a 300 x 200 mm stroke suitable for measurement of small components such as mechanical parts, molded parts and high-density PCBs.
nikon-video-measurement-systems-iNEXIV-VMA-2520Nikon iNEXIV VMA-R2520 Video Measuring System
The iNEXIV VMA-2520 is a new multi-sensor measuring system that’s lightweight and compact enough to be used in the factory on the bench top, with fast, fully automatic and high accuracy features that make it ideally suited for a wide variety of industrial measuring, inspection and quality control applications. The iNEXIV is designed to measure 3D workpieces, is touch probe ready, integrates the latest imaging processing software and incorporates a new 10x optical zoom system and Laser Auto Focus option.


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Before order is placed, the application of the customer is discussed in detail. Base on our vast experience in various industries, we will offer the best and most cost effective solution for that application of the customer.


Complex instruments delivery may some times be long. However, we strive to ensure that we deliver the systems on time every time and with the utmost quality of the product assured!


From installation to user application training to after sales services and support. We strive to ensure that every part of this is done by the best qualified engineers in a timely and professional way.